This article is more than 1 year old

Carders crack Hard Rock casino

Malware infestation sees credit cards popped at Vegas hotel and gaming venue

Carders have hit the Las Vegas' Hard Rock Hotel and Casino stealing credit card numbers, names, and addresses, according to reports

The company says malware found on its systems may have pinched the data from its retail and service locations.

Criminals did not make off with PINs or other sensitive information, it says in a statement.

Hard Rock said it detected the attack 3 April and affected card transactions between 3 September and April 4 at its restaurant, bar and retail shops. The casino and hotels are unaffected.

It is unknown what malware Hard Rock found on its systems.

Point of Sales malware is becoming more advanced and successful at stealing vulnerable magnetic stripe data from US credit cards.

Notorious carder site on 28 April offered a new batch of track two US credit cards codenamed Euphrates.

It is unknown if these cards are linked to the Hard Rock hack, however many previous batches offered on the site stem from large breaches including that of Target and Home Depot. ®

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